Marketing Assistant- 100% Onsite

apartmentMDPI Spain placeBarcelona calendar_month 

About the job:

To enhance our marketing team and expand our presence in the Spanish market, we are seeking a highly motivated Marketing Assistant with a passion for scientific research and a commitment to promoting academic publishing services within the academic community.

This Marketing Assistant position is a full-time and office-based role.


  • Campaign Support: Assist in the planning, execution, and analysis of marketing campaigns across various channels including email, social media, and academic events.
  • Content Creation: Create engaging content for social media, newsletters, and promotional materials. Help maintain the company blog and website with regular updates.
  • Market Research: Conduct market research to identify trends, target audiences, and competitive landscape. Provide insights to inform marketing strategies.
  • Event Coordination: Support the organization and promotion of book launches, author signings, and other marketing events. Coordinate logistics and manage event details.
  • Social Media Management: Monitor and manage social media accounts, engage with followers, and implement strategies to grow our online presence.
  • Collaboration: Work closely with authors, editors, designers, and other internal teams to ensure cohesive and effective marketing efforts.
  • Reporting: Track and report on the performance of marketing initiatives. Use analytics tools to measure the success of campaigns and suggest improvements.
  • Administrative Support: Assist with administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, maintaining marketing calendars, and handling correspondence.


  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in Marketing, Business, or a related field.
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills in both English and Spanish.
  • 1-2 years of experience in a marketing role, ideally within the publishing industry.
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Proven ability to collaborate effectively as part of a team in a fast-paced, international environment.
  • Excellent organizational and time management abilities, with a keen
attention to detail.
  • Strong communication and coordination skills, both verbal and written.
  • Prior professional experience in academic publishing, event planning.
(e.g., exhibitions), or strategic planning is advantageous.
  • Proficiency in digital marketing is a valuable asset.
  • Demonstrates creative thinking and a proactive approach to
  • Strong proficiency in managing and utilizing social media platforms effectively.

What We Offer:

  • The opportunity to contribute to the academic community and attend scientific conferences.
  • Professional development opportunities.
  • Competitive salary and bonus system for high performers.
  • Benefits Package: Private Health Care Insurance, Gym membership discount and flexible start time schedule.
  • Team Building activities.
  • Paid Holidays: 24 working days per calendar year in addition to public and bank holidays in Spain.
  • Work in a collaborative, diverse, and socially responsible team.
  • Prime work location in Barcelona.

Ready to Apply?

We look forward to receiving your completed application. Please submit your cover letter and CV.

About MDPI

A pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Our mission is to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. We operate more than 400 diverse, peer-reviewed, open access journals supported by over 66,000 academic editors.

We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is openly and broadly available.

MDPI is headquartered in Switzerland with additional offices in Europe, Asia and North America. We are committed to ensuring that high quality research is made available as quickly as possible. We also support sustainability projects, with sustainability as a key theme in many journals and through the MDPI Sustainability Foundation.

MDPI Spain opened in Barcelona in 2016. With a team of 32 employees, our key focus is based on the scientific and external communication to further develop our services as the biggest Open Access publisher.

Our employees enjoy an international and friendly working environment and ensure that the latest high-quality research is openly available as quickly as possible. In addition, the Barcelona office focuses on external communications, approaching the scientific community, contacting organizations, and attending to scientific conferences.

MPDI Spain cultivates a culture that values diversity and inclusion and is dedicated to maintaining fair, competitive pay practices that uphold our commitment to pay equity. Our compensation decisions are based on various factors, including a candidate´s qualifications such as skills, education, experience, training, and licensure.

This approach applies to all employees.

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