PDI Asociado o Asociada para seguimiento de prácticas en los grados de magisterio

apartmentUniversitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya placeBarcelona calendar_month 

General information

Reference: 24FUBPDIFETEPASSHI12479
Type: New appointment
Title: PDI Asociado o Asociada para seguimiento de prácticas en los grados de magisterio
Type of position: FUB
Academic year: 2024 - 2025
Call start: 28-10-2024
Call end: 11-11-2024
Faculty: Faculty of Education, Translation, Sport and Psychology
Department: Department of Psychology

Degree: Early Childhood Education

Teaching and research staff hours: Teaching: 120, Total: 120

Description of the post


UVic-UCC is a young and very dynamic university in Central Catalonia, with a special commitment to quality teaching, innovative research and internationalization.

The Faculty of Education, Translation, Sport and Psychology start a recruitment process to incorporate

Functions and duties:

El candidato o la candidata tendrá que impartir 3 créditos de docencia en la asignatura Prácticas I. Deberá poder explicar con una dimensión práctica y teórica el temario de la asignatura


Spanish Decree on recognition of qualifications of teaching and research staff, and service staff

According to Spanish Royal Decree 889/2022, those who apply for teaching and research staff (PDI) or service staff (PAS) posts should have any qualifications issued abroad officially recognised in Spain, since such approval qualifies for the exercise of regulated professions in Spain.

Research-only staff are exempt from this requirement.

University degree in the field

Grado o Licenciatura en Psicología o ámbitos afines

Certification of Level C1 in Catalan or commitment to obtain it

Accreditation of Level B2 English or commitment to obtain it

Manifest professional experience in the field

Psicología o afines

Current professional activity in the field at the time of appointment

Psicología o afines


Doctorate in the field


Teaching experience at university level

Formación de maestros

Level B2 or more in languages other than English

Accreditation by an academic Quality Agency

Research experience

Docencia prévia en la UVIC-UCC en la formación de maestros

Experiencia en la tutorización de prácticas en mestros en formación

Other requirements




Success orientation

Planning and organisation

Concern for order and quality


Teamwork and cooperation








User orientation

This job offer includes

Inclusion in the professional group Teaching and research staff (PDI)
Type of contract: permanent

Total work: 120 hours

Timetable Dimecres de 10 a 12h (febrer-maig) Dilluns,dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres (10-12h maig)
Semesters 2nd semester

Gross salary: 2.802,20 €

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